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You, as a employer, shall pay the transaction price through your issuing bank to STANDARDMAIDS.COM using payment facility. you, as a employer, shall be entitled to claim a refund of the transaction price (as your sole and exclusive remedy) In case you do not raise a refund claim using website features within the stipulated time than this would make you ineligible for a refund. you, as a employer, understand that the payment facility may not be available in full or in part for certain category of services and/or transactions as mentioned in the policies and hence. Refund shall be made in Indian rupees only and shall be equivalent to the transaction price received in Indian rupees. refund shall be subject to employer complying with policies. STANDARDMAIDS.COM reserves the right to refuse to process transactions by employers with a prior history of STANDARDMAIDS.COM or breach/violation of any law or any charges imposed by issuing bank or breach of any policy.



1.1 : If employee leaves the job, The employer can release the candidate held online on recruit new candidate provided your login account credential plans.

1.2 : If the employer wants to forego the present candidate and recruit a new candidate no replacement fee will be charged till the limit exceeds their plan limit.


Work on Sundays is voluntary and a domestic worker/ gardener/ cleaner can therefore not be forced to work on a Sunday.

If the employee works on a Sunday, he/she shall be paid the daily wage.

This document is an electronic record in terms of Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules there under as applicable and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.